torsdag 29 oktober 2009

Preject for the group

Clarification (How we have interpret the module and the desired
This project feels pretty open, if you want to do one thing from scratch
or build upon something already existing.

It's really open how to split up the time, how much time for idea
development, business plan etc. But that all depends on the idea too.

It has to do with thinking economical, how to make a business plan
and a budget.

We think we learn more by working on a realistic idea, to be ready for
whats coming in the future and to have something serious in our

It's better to get the judges attention if it's something realistic. We
need to write as good business plan as possible. See it as a real
Dragon's Den, be prepared for though questions.

It's the perfect opportunity to come up with something that we
actually could make real and make money out of. Starting up a
company is also a great experience and to have on your CV.

Summary: Come up with an idea, write a business plan plus budget,
and deliver/presentation.

Check in (Personal goal/ambition with the project)
Josue: my goal is to learn how to write a business plan and think of the
economical part of a project. You keep forgetting that in a creative
role. Especially working at an agency where you just leave it to the
economic department.

Ola: I have previous experience of starting up business, I've been in
this situation a lot of times. But my goal is to take an idea all the way
to the end, thats my goal as they usually get left on the desk. It's a
good opportunity while you have time set up for it.

Lina: I think it's an excellent opportunity to do this properly when
having that time set up for it in school.good opportunity while you have time set up for it.

Alex: I like that we get the chance to develop an idea for real not only
leave it in the back of the head, now we're a group of people to make it
happen too. Personal goal: how to convince the Dragons also in a
graphical way.

Lina: to be kickass in presentation. To really feel comfortable and to be
ready for every question we get. Really prepare sharp answers for a
million questions that could come up in order to show them we've been
thinking of Everything.

Ola: To make it so good that I want to put it in my portfolio, something
to be proud of.

John: I agree with the above, my goal is to have something to be proud
of and to put in my portfolio. And that we manage to come up with
such a great idea and business plan that starting up a new company
would be possible.

Define guidelines (How we shall work together)
So hard to tell before the idea is set.

Josue would like to try the Project Manager role.

Check in:s and check outs. Set up daily deadlines. Make a timeline/
calender with deadlines, with an overview.

Everyone is different, and has different creative time rythms. We need
to take that into consideration - as long as everyone takes
responsibility and make sure the their job is done, in order to make
this project as great as possible.

Everyone helps everyone. If you have spare time you can help
someone else.

Define the Vision, Milestones and Success criteria
Our vision is to make a real company.
To have such a good idea and business plan and a great pitch, so that if
we want, we could start off our own company.

- Three ideas until Tuesday 3rd of November 18:00.
- After 3rd of November to have an idea that everyone can stand for.
- Draft Business concept 1.0 deadline 12th November 18:00.
- Present a great Business concept the 19th November.

Success criteria
We want to do heavier research to be able to make a great idea.
Research target group, market analysis, needs, what is there in our
area? etc. Learn and apply the SCRUM-method.
Research is a key to success. (Vara medvetna och pålästa)
Build a great ground for a real company.

If you have a great ground and a great idea, much is won to convince
the Dragons.

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/The Flying Postits

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